Lennox Lewis Tko 8 Jack Dempsey
Jabs | 28 | 16 |
Punches Landed | 80 | 108 |
Punching Acc. | 90.0 | 72.0 |
Knockdowns Scored |
1 |
0 |
Cuts Suffered |
0 |
0 |
Official Decison: Ref Frank Cappuciano stops the fight due to the swelling around Dempsey’s left eye.
Cox's Comments: Lewis doesn’t have to look for Dempsey he is right there in front of him. Lewis tries to box cautiously in the first three rounds as he did against Holyfield. Dempsey, however is the busier fighter working the body. Lennox shows patience and a tight defense, utlizing the clinch to smother the Mauler inside. Lennox reaches Dempsey with a crushing cross at the end of the first round that wobbles the smaller man just before the bell. In the 2nd Dempsey is much busier landing a strong combination early and works Lennox against the ropes. Dempsey comes out roaring in the third taking the fight to Lennox. Jack lands a strong double hook. Jack catches Lennox with a strong right that momentarily stuns him at the 2:00 mark. They clinch. Dempsey lands another strong hook before the bell. Lewis appears shaken as he returns to his corner. Demspey is boobing and weaving as he goes forward. In the 4th Dempsey lands a crushing cross! Ohh! Cover the kids eyes mom! That one was absolutely obscene. Lewis is hurt!Jack moves in for the kill. Oooooo. A monstrous right uppercut catches Dempsey coming in! He is hurt!. Both men are in trouble and the fall into a clinch and exchange heavy body punches. Lennox gets on his bicycle and jabs to the bell. Both fighters are slowed and more cautious in the fifth. By the 6th Lewis is starting to catch Dempsey more frequently with his left jab, and right hand leads. Dempsey is trying to outmuscle the 245 pound Lewis inside but its a tiring effort. Jacks left eye is swelling badly. In the 7th Lewis traps one of Dempseys gloves under his arms- then suddenly lands a powering short right to the jaw. It was a devastating blow! Dempsey pitches forward and goes down in a delayed reaction. He is up at 4 but shaken. Lewis stands Dempsey up with a hard uppercut! Lewis is now pounding a wounded Dempsey against the ropes. Dempsey is offering little resistance. The Ref is takng a close look. Dempsey lands a hard hook in return to show he’s fighting back. The bell ends the round. In the 8th Lennox lands several punishing jabs, and a hard right cross that wobbles Dempsey. His left eye is almost completely closed. That’s it the Ref has stopped the fight.
Mike Tyson Tko 3 Joe Frazier
Jabs | 8 | 0 |
Punches Landed | 60 | 24 |
Punching Acc. | 42.6 | 36.0 |
Knockdowns Scored |
3 |
0 |
Cuts Suffered |
0 |
0 |
Official Decision: Ref Frank Sikora stops the fight in the 3rd.
Cox's Comments: Iron Mike never lets Smokin’ Joe’s greater heart and determination become factors in this fight. Tyson simply overwhelms Frazier with his superior hand speed and shocking power. Early in the first a ripping uppercut drops Frazier on one knee. He is up at 3. Tyson beats Frazier to the punch as he comes in behind his jab. Tyson wobbles Frazier with a quick right. A trademark right to the body, right uppercut combination drop Frazier on his back! These are punches of surprising power. Joe’s massive heart helps him beat the count at 9. In the 2nd Frazier is trying to bob and weave. They clinch and Frazier gets the better of the exchanges up close as Tyson tries to wrestle and clinch. Joe is trying to neutralize the right, but a punishing jab snaps his heads back. They exchange hard hooks and again clinch. The pace is slower this round and Tyson misses big with a right. However, Frazier has not fully recovered. In the 3rd, Tyson lands another whistling uppercut. BOOM! Frazier’s legs are bouncing around like a puppet on strings. Tyson unloads with a fast and furious five punch combination. Frazier backs to the ropes for support. Tyson lands a hard right to the body and a smashing uppercut. That one nearly decapitated Frazier’s head! Frazier crumbles against the ropes and sinks to the canvas. Ref Frank Sikora rushes in to rescue a badly hurt Frazier!
Joe Louis Ko 4 Riddick Bowe
Jabs |
16 | 12 |
Punches Landed | 84 | 20 |
Punching Acc. | 60.0 | 35.0 |
Knockdowns Scored |
1 |
1 |
Cuts Suffered |
0 |
1 |
Official Decision: Ref. Dick Young counts out Bowe in the fourth.
Cox's Comments: Louis appears graceful yet deliberate as he shuffles to ring center. Joe slips a jab. Louis lands a hard cross! He stuns Bowe with a combination! JL appears really focused. In the 2nd Louis lands a hard right cross punctuated by a powerful right cross to the temple! Bowe is in jeopardy! Riddick lands a hard right counter that stuns Louis momentarily and probably saves him from a knockout. In the 3rd it becomes all out war between the faster and more accurate Louis and the bigger, stronger Bowe. Riddick catches Louis with a hard right cross that jars him to his heels! Another hard right dumps Louis to the canvas! Joe is up at 8. He is shaken but appears ok. Riddick moves in but leaves himself open to Louis quick hands. A hard hook rattles Bowe and knocks out his mouthpiece. Louis fires a triple hook! There is blood inside Bowe’s mouth. Louis presses his advantage with a slamming right to the head. Louis fires a 3 punch combination. Bowe is covering up against the ropes and being pounded. The crowd is calling for the Ref to stop the fight. The bell ends further action. In the fourth Louis is hitting a very slow moving Bowe at will. Louis lands a hammering hook to the head. A crackling right cross has Bowe staggering backwards. Louis is looking for the finishing touch as his killer instinct has kicked in. A perfectly timed L-R drops Bowe to the canvas! The final right lands with the force of a sledgehammer right on the chin. T-I-M-B-E-R!. Bowe struggles to rise but is counted out by Ref Young.
Muhammad Ali W 15 Evander Holyfield
Jabs |
48 |
28 |
Punnches Landed | 212 | 116 |
Punching Acc. | 37.8 | 38.0 |
Knockdowns Scored |
1 |
0 |
Cuts Suffered |
0 |
2 |
Official Decision: 146-140, 146-140, 147-139 Ali.
Cox's Comments: Ali boxed masterfully against Holyfield one of his best performances. He used his speed, reach, and movement to frustrate Holyfield throughout much of the fight especially the later rounds. It looked very similar to Holyfields first fight against Lennox Lewis except Ali was much faster and harder to hit. Ali started fast taking the first three rounds. He consistently beat Evander to the punch with his left jab, landing in spurts and backing away. In the fourth Holyfield began to make some adjustments by blocking Ali’s jab, and began to pressure Ali more successfully and started to land to the body, esp. with his left hook. Holyfield still had trouble with Ali’s unbelievable speed and movement though. Evander took rounds 4-5, 7, and 9-10 were very close as Evander kept up a consistent work rate. Ali clowned in a couple of these rounds. So after 10 rounds the fight was nearly even on 2 of the 3 judges scorecards. But starting in the 11th Ali begin to work. He landed at will with quick jabs, right hand leads, and quick flurries. A right cross at the end of the 11th violently snapped Holyfield’s head back. The 12th was more of the same and Holyfield began to tire. Ali was in total control in the 13th with Holyfield absorbing punishment as he followed Ali around the ring. It was only a matter of time before he walked into something big. A sizzling right cross in the 14th dropped Holyfield on his side. He beat the count proving his chin. Both men were tired in the 15th but Ali still had snap on his punches. He easily won the 15th and had Holyfield in trouble at the bell from a rapid-fire combination. Ali wins the unanimous decision.
George Foreman Ko Tko 5 Jim Jeffries
Jabs |
24 |
8 |
Punches Landed | 88 | 32 |
Punching Acc. | 48,6 | 28.2 |
Knockdowns Scored |
1 |
0 |
Cuts Suffered |
0 |
0 |
Official Decision: Ref Paul Cavalier stops the fight in the 5th awarding it to George Foreman.
A battle of truly big men with phenomenal strength. This one was not expected to go the distance and the fans were not disappointed. Jeffries approaches Foreman in his crouch as George misses with a big jab. Jeffries slips a left and lands a left hook to the head. George catches Jeffries with a big uppercut! Jeff is stunned but fires back. Both men dig thunderous shots to the body. They are trading evenly. George lands a punishing jab before the bell. In the 2nd Jeff gets off first and shows better hand speed. He lands a strong one-two that rattles George, then digs a left to the body. A left hook to the head is blocked by George. Both men are throwing punches with bad intentions. A hard left by Jeff snaps George’s haed back. George misses a big left hook and takes one in return. He is slightly wobbled. Jeff opens up and has George backing up at the bell! At the start of the third the tide changes again. A short crunching uppercut by Foreman has Big Jeff in trouble! George goes on the attack. A long left snaps back Jeffries head. Ooooh, a booming right hand buckles Jeffries knees. He is hurt! Foremans killer instinct has kicked in. A murderous barrage to the body by Foreman has Jeffries covering up as against the ropes. George lands a herculean right to the head. What is holding Jeffries up! The bell rescues him from further punishment. In the 4th Jeffries tries to slip and move more to get his legs back. George proves to be a master at cutting the ring. George lands two hard snapping left jabs. Jeff lands one in return. Jeff plows a left hook to the body. George answers back with one of his own. They fall into a clinch. Both men bang away to the body inside. A real slugfest! George lands a booming right uppercut! Jeff is seriously shaken. George lands a pounding left and a right to the head. Jeff’s legs don’t look to good right now. BOOM! A straight right on the chin drops Jeffries on his back! I don’t think he’s going to get up. No. He beats the count at 8. What a chin Jeff must have. George attacks and they exchange hard hooks before the bell. Jeffries is visibly slowed and hurt at the start of the fifth. George may be tiring. If Jeff can survive a couple of more rounds he can still win this fight. But such is not to be. Jeff despaerately tries to land his vaunted left hook but standing toe to toe with George is not a good idea at this point. An awesome straight right violently snaps Jeffries head back. He falls into his crouch with his chin tucked and tried to come back in. They exchange hard hooks, Jeff’s gets there first but George has more power now. A hard right to the body by George really takes the wind out of Jeffries sails. A left hook, right hand combination freezes Jeff in place. A bombastic right lands flush on Jeff’s chin. He nearly planted his glove with that shot!. Only the ropes are holding Jeffries up. He is defenseless, as George pounds Jeffries like Ray Mercer did Tommy Morrison. Ref. Paul Cavalier stops the fight!
Larry Holmes Tko 13 Jack Johnson
Jabs | 60 | 64 |
Punches Landed | 160 | 152 |
Punching Acc. | 40.8 | 39.6 |
Knockdowns Scored |
1 |
1 |
Cuts Suffered |
1 |
1 |
Official Decision: Ref Davey Pearl stops the fight in the 13th awarding it to Holmes. The scorecard were 114-114, 114-113 H, and 113-116 J at time of stoppage.
Cox's Comments: This was a tactical boxing match that turned into a war. That the fight was even until the time of the stoppage shows it was a closely contested match. Holmes was the aggressor throughout most of the fight but not always effective. Holmes was throwing but not landing, many of the blows being picked off on Johnsons gloves. In this way the early part of the fight was much like DeLaHoya-Quartey. Holmes throwing the heavy jabs but having them land on Johnsons gloves and Johnson fighting back in spurts. One major difference is Johnson was effective on the inside especially in the clinch. The first four rounds were very close and depends on how one likes to score a fight for the guy throwing more (Holmes) or the guy landing more cleanly but infrequently (Johnson). Holmes had one of his best rounds in the fifth, by moving and dancing. This seemed to irritate Johnson. Holmes began to land first more frequently. By the 8th is jab has become a serious weapon punishing Johnson at long range. The fireworks explode in the 11th. First the rockets red glare slams into Holmes head in the form of a wicked counter-right over a lazy left jab. Holmes goes down! He is hurt but up at 7. Then comes the bombs bursting in air as Johnson is caught moving in with a smashing uppercut by Holmes. Jack’s head violently snaps back. Johnson is drops to one knee. He takes an 8 count. Both men box cautiously in the 12th. Then in the 13th a crushing cross staggers Johnson. Call a Doctor! Johnsons eyes rolled back in his head. Holmes lands a solid combination looking for the kill. Holmes lands a devastating jab. A hard right to the chin has Johnson wobbling around the ring. That’s it! Ref Davey Pearl has stopped the fight!
Sonny Liston Tko 12 Rocky Marciano
Jabs | 36 | 20 |
Punches Landed | 156 | 176 |
Punching Acc. | 49.2 | 39.0 |
Knockdowns Scored |
0 |
0 |
Cuts Sufferred |
0 |
2 |
Official Decision: Ref Art Mercante on the advice of the Ring Dr. stops the fight and awards it to Liston due to the severity of cuts suffered by Marciano.
Cox's Comments: Marciano fought a brave and disciplined fight only to lose on cuts which was disappointing to his many fans. Rocky started off strong the first few rounds, slipping Listons pile-driver jabs, and hooks. Rocky was the busier fighter outworking and outhustling Liston inside. In the fourth Sonny got his jab working and opened a small cut under Rocky’s right eye. Liston began to take over in the middle rounds. A perfect L-R to the jaw wobbled Marciano in the 5th. The 6th was Listons best round. A smashing hook to the head hammers Rocky. Sonny followed up with a strong combination that staggered Marciano. Liston finished the round with a hard left uppercut that lifted Marciano off his feet! He was wobbly as he went back to his corner. Liston’s ramrod jab is backing Rocky up in the 7th! Liston lands a strong hook! A hard Right by Liston opens a nasty gash over Rocky’s left eye. It’s a really deep cut. In the 8th Rocky is hampered by the cut which is still bleeding. Liston lands a murderous right hand that has Rocky reeling again. Sonny is dominating Marciano in these rounds but can’t put him away. In the 9th Rocky rallies despite the blood. He lands a crunching right cross that slows Liston. He throws punches non-stop on the inside trying to wear Liston down. In the 10th Rocky keeps up the pressure. Some of the punches Rocky are landing are teeth rattlers! Liston seems to be tiring. In the 11th, feeling the fight slipping away, Liston get s a second wind and lands a hard combination early in the round. They exchange hard punches to the head. Both men are rocked! At the start of the 12th Liston looks the worse for wear. He looks like a beaten fighter. But he comes out as Rocky’s corner has not been able to contain the cut completley. Sonny lands a snapping right hand lead. The cut is bleeding badly again. It looks really bad like Henry Cooper’s fights against Ali. Oh no they are stopping the fight. Liston apparently on the verge of defeat wins due to Rocky’s cuts.
Still Undefeated After 4 Rounds: Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Mike Tyson (Bye in 3rd Rnd).
Still Alive: Jack Dempsey, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Jim Jeffries, Jack Johnson, Lennox Lewis, Sonny Liston, Rocky Marciano.
Eliminated This Round With 2 Losses: Evander Holyfield, Riddick Bowe.
Round 5 Due June 2nd.
All Time Heavyweight Computer Tournament Page